How Can You Benefit from Laser Dentistry?

November 22, 2023
Laser Dentistry

Different dental conditions can be treated with the help of lasers that were commercially introduced in clinical dental practice for procedures of tooth tissue in 1989.

Laser dentistry can offer comfortable treatment options for many dental procedures, including soft or hard tissue, compared to drills and tools without lasers.

The full form of laser is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, in which the instrument creates energy in narrow, focused beams. When the laser beam reacts with the tissue, it removes or shapes it.

What Kind of Procedures Can Lasers Be Used in?

Laser dentistry is useful in a variety of procedures, including the following:to

  • Whitening the teeth.
  • Treating periodontal disease.
  • Providing treatment for tooth decay and hypersensitivity.

Dental treatments have become more efficient and cost-effective, along with offering comfort to the patient. The FDA has approved laser dentistry as an option for treating different types of dental conditions. The ADA is yet to approve the treatment, but they are hopeful of the potential in this field.

How Are Dentists Performing Laser Treatments?

Dentists are using lasers to treat hard tissue and soft tissue procedures. Hard tissue procedures refer to problems with the teeth, and soft tissue procedures are treatments for the gums.

The most common hard tissue procedures are the following:

  • Dental Fillings and Tooth Preparations: With laser treatments, local anesthesia or conventional drills are not required. Lasers can eliminate the bacteria in the cavity, aiding the tooth’s long-term health.
  • Cavity Detection: The detection of cavities early is possible with lasers by locating the presence of tooth decay.
  • Treating the Sensitivity of the Tooth: Teeth sensitive to hot and cold temperatures can be treated with dental lasers by sealing the tubules of the tooth’s root.

Procedures for soft tissue include the following:

  • Removing Soft Tissue Folds: soft tissue folds from improperly fitting dentures can be removed by lasers without pain or stitches.
  • Crown Lengthening: This procedure can improve the health of teeth by reshaping gum tissue and bone, which in turn helps to place restorations on the tooth.
  • Treating the Attachment of Tongue Frenulum: A laser frenectomy can help people with a thick or tight frenulum and is particularly beneficial for children with a restricted frenulum that causes them difficulties when breastfeeding, being tongue-tied, or having a speech impediment.

What Types of Lasers Are Dental Professionals Using?

The dental professionals at Crossroads Dental Group use either soft tissue or hard tissue lasers, depending on the treatment they need to provide. Some professionals use both types of lasers if the treatment permits it.

Hard tissue lasers can cut through the structure of the tooth. A combination of water and a specific mineral found in the tooth absorbs the wavelengths. The lasers are beneficial for preparing or shaping the teeth for composite bonding, removing tooth structure, and repairing dental fillings that have worn down.

Water and hemoglobin absorb soft tissue lasers. Periodontal conditions can be treated using soft tissue lasers by eliminating the bacteria and activating the growth of the tissue.

Soft tissue lasers seal the nerve endings and blood vessels as they penetrate the tissue. This is the reason why many patients experience little or no pain after the treatment. Lasers can also promote faster healing of the tissue.

The Benefits of Laser Dentistry over Conventional Methods

Our dentistry in Torrance, CA, will explain the benefits of laser dentistry by stating the following:

  • The need for stitches is lessened with soft tissue lasers.
  • Lasers promote blood clotting, minimizing bleeding in the treated soft tissues.
  • Anesthesia is not necessary for some procedures.
  • The potential for bacterial infections is lower as the laser sterilizes the area.
  • Faster healing of the wounds and regeneration of the tissue is possible with lasers.
  • The surrounding tissues are not damaged when conducting procedures with lasers.

If you believe you can benefit from laser dentistry, you are suggested to look for laser dentistry in Torrance, CA, that has professionals who are qualified and have received appropriate training to provide laser treatments. You will then be able to enjoy the benefits of laser dentistry and remove the fear of the dentist from your mind.

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